BNP Paribas Asset Management creates Systematic and Quantitative Investment team

BNP Paribas Asset Management (‘BNPP AM’) announces the creation of a new systematic portfolio management team to complement its fundamental portfolio management capabilities in equities, fixed income and multi asset.

BNPP AM’s Quantitative Portfolio Management and ETF teams will combine to form Systematic & Quantitative Investment (‘SQI’), becoming a distinct centre of excellence for systematic portfolio management. Within an environment of regulatory change, this initiative reflects BNPP AM’s growth ambition, focused on supporting clients with innovative portfolio solutions integrating both financial and extra financial criteria.

The new division will be led by Robinson Rouchié, who has been appointed Chief Investment Officer, Systematic & Quantitative Investments, reporting to Rob Gambi, Global Head of Investments. Robinson, currently Chief of Staff to Rob Gambi, will relinquish this role following the appointment of his successor. He will remain a member of BNPP AM’s Investment Committee and continues to be based in Paris.

Rob Gambi, Global Head of Investments at BNPP AM, comments:

“Robinson has demonstrated strategic vision, detailed technical knowledge and a strong commercial focus. He will bring a breadth of investment expertise – from securities research and quantitative analysis, through to asset allocation, and with a demonstrable track record of building strong client relationships.”

Furthermore, Guy Davies, Deputy Head of Investments, will assume leadership of BNPP AM’s Multi Assets and Solutions teams (excluding Quant and ETF) in March, in addition to his existing role as CIO for Fundamental Active Equities. He replaces Denis Panel, who will be leaving BNPP AM in March to take up a leadership role elsewhere within the industry.

Finally, in acknowledgement of the predominance of fixed income strategies within BNPP AM’s emerging markets affiliates, Olivier de Larouzière will become responsible for the investment teams within emerging markets affiliates, in addition to his current role as Chief Investment Officer of Global Fixed Income.


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