Brunel: four investment managers appointed


Brunel publishes on its website:

“Brunel Pension Partnership (Brunel) has successfully launched its Authorised Contractual Scheme (ACS), with its first sub-fund, for actively managed UK Equities. The Active UK Equity portfolio is worth c. £1.6 billion.

“We have appointed Invesco, Baillie Gifford and Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI) to manage this sub-fund, within our ACS operated by FundRock,” says Mark Mansley, Chief Investment Officer at Brunel. “Our rigorous quantitative investment analysis revealed that these managers present the blend of complementary skills and methods that will best serve this sub-fund. Invesco is a systematic manager with excellent risk controls. Baillie Gifford and ASI are more conventional active managers able to add value over the medium to long-term, each through their own individual approach to stock selection.”

He adds: “We have carefully reviewed the correlation between the managers to ensure they provide genuine diversification, and believe this combination is particularly efficient. We expect the portfolio to meet our 2% outperformance target with modest overall risk and low costs. The managers’ approaches to stewardship and responsible investment were also key. “”

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