BT International Pension Plan: “BT Pension Scheme appoints Morten Nilsson as Chief Executive Officer”

BT International Pension Plan publishes on her website:

“The Trustee of the BT Pension Scheme (BTPS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Morten Nilsson as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BT Pension Scheme Management Limited (BTPSM). Nilsson takes up the role with immediate effect and will report directly to Paul Spencer CBE, Chairman of the Trustee of the BTPS, and Chair of the BTPSM Board.

BTPSM provides a range of investment management and advisory services to the Trustee of the BTPS, which is one of the largest UK defined benefit pension schemes with assets of c.£50 billion. Nilsson’s key responsibilities will be to lead all aspects of support to the Trustee of the BTPS, including asset and liability management, operations, administration and other member services. ”

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