Cardano announces fiduciary management mandate wins

Cardano publishes on its website:

“Cardano, the purpose-built risk and investment specialist, announces its appointment as fiduciary manager for six schemes over the course of 2018. The mandates include:

The Calor Group Retirement Benefits Plan;
The Amcor UK Pension Plan;
The Kingston Communications Pension Schemes;
The Drax Power Group of the ESPS;
The UPM-Kymmene UK Pension Scheme; and
A scheme for a leading French insurer

Independent third-party evaluators, including KPMG, EY, Barnett Waddingham and two other intermediaries, assisted these schemes with their competitive selection exercises.

These mandates have contributed c.£1.5 billion to Cardano’s UK total AUM which now stands at over £11 billion as at 31 August 2019. For these mandates, Cardano will work with the trustee directors to achieve the Schemes’ and sponsoring employers’ funding objectives.”

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