Dalriada Trustees Launch Pensions Management Service

Dalriada Trustees Limited (Dalriada), one of the largest providers of independent professional trustee services to pensions schemes in the UK, has today announced the appointment of Leanne Coomber as the head of their new Pensions Management Team.

Increased scheme governance requirements, project activity (including preparation for insurance settlement, GMP equalisation and General Code preparations), and a decrease in the availability of experienced in-house resource have led to a significant pressure on in-house pensions teams.

Dalriada have responded by establishing a Pensions Management team, staffed by experienced pensions professionals with extensive in-house experience. The team are able to share best practice gleaned from a portfolio of over 300 scheme appointments, bring independent oversight, provide flexible resource for periods of high demand, and utilise meeting and scheme management software developed in-house specifically for scheme governance activity.

Leanne has over 20 years’ experience of running sizeable occupational schemes. Prior to joining Dalriada, she worked in-house as Trustee Governance and Scheme Secretary for a £multi-billion UK scheme.

Leanne comments:

“The demands on in-house pension managers and teams are increasing. Having Dalriada Pensions Management as an extension to the in-house team will help pensions managers and in-house teams fulfil their roles effectively, provide additional bandwidth, and enable trustees to take strategic and informed decisions.

“We know that the role of pension managers and in-house teams is far reaching. That is why we offer a completely bespoke service that is flexible to meet the immediate needs of the client.”

Dalriada Managing Director, Chris Roberts had this to say:

“Leanne’s background and experience make her the obvious choice for heading up the Dalriada Pensions Management team. Demand for highly skilled pensions professionals has never been higher we will continue to invest in responding to the ever-changing needs of the market.”

The launch of this service expands Dalriada’s offering beyond professional trusteeship and scheme secretarial across their UK-wide office network in Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester and London.


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