Fund selector JB Beckett joins Royal London’s investment advisory committee

Philip Stork

The Royal London Personal Pension Scheme publishes on its website:

“Royal London has welcomed experienced fund selector JB Beckett to its Investment Advisory Committee (IAC).

JB has nearly twenty years’ experience as a selector and is a well-known industry campaigner on fund governance issues. He is the author of a book New Fund Order which addresses technology, sustainability and fund governance issues. Previously JB worked at Scottish Widows from 1996 where he became a fund gatekeeper, for the £190bn Scottish Widows/LBG L&P platform for institutional, wealth and retail assets. He also co-led the firm’s responsible investing framework.

He joins a team of five pensions and investment experts on Royal London’s IAC. The committee has an independent chairman and has representatives from the Royal London Group and Royal London Asset Management as well as independent members. JB will be the third independent member of the committee and replaces Colin Taylor who leaves in June after eight years of valuable service.”

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