Jupiter AM: Richard Buxton announces retirement

Jupiter AM publishes on its website:

Following a career lasting nearly 40 years, we are today announcing Richard Buxton’s decision to retire from fund management at the end of the summer, and to hand responsibility for the portfolios he manages to his long-standing colleagues, Ed Meier and Errol Francis. Ed and Errol will continue to manage the portfolios employing the same UK Alpha Strategy that has been in place since 2002.

One of the most respected investors of his generation, Richard began his career at Brown Shipley in 1985, before transitioning to Baring, where he worked for over a decade. In 2001 he moved to Schroders as Head of UK Equities; here, he pioneered the distinctive, high-conviction investment approach for which he has become so well known. It was at Baring that Richard started working with Errol, and the pair were joined at Schroders by Ed in January 2006.

In 2013, Richard, Ed and Errol moved to Old Mutual Global Investors (OMGI), where they continued to employ their UK Alpha strategy. In 2015, Richard was appointed CEO of OMGI, overseeing a period of rapid growth for the firm. In 2018, he led a management buy-out of OMGI, which was re-named Merian Global Investors. Then, in 2020, Merian was acquired by Jupiter, where Richard, Errol and Ed have continued to work together ever since.

Commenting on today’s announcement, Richard says: “It has been a pleasure and a huge privilege to have been entrusted with so many people’s long-term savings over so many years. While I am looking forward to pursuing other interests, not least my passion for the arts, I have always said that investing is ‘in my blood.’

“I feel extraordinarily lucky to have been able to pursue a career in a field that has always held such a fascination for me, and to have done so surrounded by some exceptionally talented colleagues. To be able to hand full responsibility for the portfolios so seamlessly to two colleagues who have been fundamental to the strategy’s success over such a long period brings me a great deal of pleasure.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the clients who have placed their faith in us, and to wish Ed, Errol and my other Jupiter colleagues the very best for the future.”

Matthew Beesley, CEO of Jupiter Asset Management, adds: “Richard is one of the most respected investors of his generation and it has been a pleasure working with him since I joined Jupiter. We are rightly recognised as having a leading UK equity franchise and Richard is leaving the UK Alpha team in robust shape and in very good hands.

“Consistent with our strategic focus on increasing scale across the business, beyond this existing strength across UK equities, we have ambitious growth plans for both our equity and fixed income platforms as we seek to broaden our appeal to clients. Jupiter is known as a truly active manager with a range of differentiated investment capabilities, and Richard’s career has been built on extolling the value that comes from being an active investment manager.”


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