LGPS Central: Trevor Castledine Announced as our first Chief Commercial Officer

LGPS Central publishes on its website:

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Trevor Castledine as our first Chief Commercial Officer.
Trevor brings a wealth of experience in stakeholder engagement, business development, and strategic leadership as well as significant LGPS experience, having previously held roles at Lancashire County Pension Fund (LCPF) and LPPI, and also as an Independent Adviser to South Yorkshire Pension Fund. He was most recently a Managing Director with investment consultant bfinance. As Chief Commercial Officer he will lead engagement with Partner Funds, Central and Local Government, and the broader investment industry.

Trevor Castledine, said, “I’m very excited to be returning to a role within the LGPS and to the pooling arena at LGPS Central. I’m looking forward to collaborating with our Partner Funds to help deliver the outcomes they desire and ensure excellent value for money.”

Welcoming his appointment, Joanne Segars, Chair of the LGPS Central Ltd Board, said, “We are thrilled to welcome Trevor to the LGPS Central team. His extensive background in the LGPS and asset management industry, makes him exceptionally well-suited to collaborate closely with our Partner Funds and across the industry. We are confident that his expertise will greatly contribute to realising the advantages of pooling for our Partner Funds.”


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