Mercer appoints William Gibbons to Insurance Investment Solutions business

Mercer publishes on its website:

“Mercer has announced the appointment of William Gibbons as Principal in its Insurance Investment Solutions business. In his new role, Mr Gibbons will provide strategic investment advice to global insurance clients, as they seek to navigate the challenges of the current low-yield environment. He will also be responsible for developing efficient and innovative investment solutions for insurers. Based in London, Mr Gibbons will report to Colin Tipping, Mercer’s Head of Insurance Investment Solutions.

Mr Gibbons joins from PwC where he advised insurers and other financial institutions on strategic asset allocation, investments, asset restructuring, liquidity, market risk and hedging. Prior to that, he was a Director at Barclays Investment Bank, focusing on solutions for UK insurers. Earlier in his career, Mr Gibbons worked in asset and liability management for European financial insurance institutions at Morgan Stanley.

Mr Gibbons said, “Mercer’s Insurance Investment Solutions business is dedicated to helping clients diversify their portfolios, increase efficiency and focus on responsible investing. It’s a great time to join the team, I look forward to working with its industry leading experts to support clients through uncertain times and towards achieving their investment goals.”

Mr. Tipping added, “I am delighted William has joined the team. His technical knowledge and commercial expertise will be invaluable as we design and implement capital efficient investment strategies. An increasing number of insurance clients are seeking to enhance their investment management strategy. William’s arrival positions us well and further reinforces our commitment to bringing the best of Mercer’s capabilities to insurance clients, ensuring we deliver first class asset-based solutions.” “

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