Nest sets up evergreen timberland fund with Campbell Global

Nest has confirmed the appointment of Campbell Global, J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s timberland investment advisory company, to provide the pension scheme with a global portfolio of direct investments, focused on core traditional timberland.

When managed correctly, timberland investments promote sustainable forestry practices, ensuring the responsible management of forest resources, preserving biodiversity, and maintaining ecosystems.

Well-managed forests can provide critical ecosystem services such as carbon capture, water filtration, soil preservation, and habitat for wildlife, enhancing the overall environmental value of the investment. Timberland investments also provide a renewable resource for a growing economy, from supplying construction materials to biodegradable packaging.

There are many potential benefits to investing in timberland, including stable returns with a cash yield, a natural inflation hedge and portfolio diversification. Campbel Global will seek out opportunities for Nest in key global markets – the US, Australia, New Zealand and Chile.


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