Northern LGPS supports push for employee representation at US tech giant

Northern LGPS publishes on its website:

“Northern LGPS has backed a campaign to have worker representatives on the board of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, at a time of growing activism among Silicon Valley employees.

Northern LGPS launched its Responsible Investment policy in January 2019, making worker rights one of its main priorities when seeking to change behaviour at the companies in which it invests.

“Effective management of people is both a source of value creation and competitive advantage for companies and the right thing to do. So there is a shared interest between companies, their workforce and their investors in getting this right,” said Councillor Gerald Cooney, chair of Northern LGPS.

Northern LGPS plans to take a more active stance on worker rights and push for employee representation at the largest US tech companies.

“We invest in numerous companies where employees do have representation of this nature, and have no hesitation in supporting this proposal,” Councillor Cooney said. “We hope that the Alphabet board will see the value in accepting the idea, and we are happy to support its employees in seeking representation.””

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