NORTHERN TRUST publishes on its website:
“Osmosis Investment Management, a US$1.5 billion AUM asset manager, has appointed Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS) to support its MoRE World Sustainable Market Neutral Fund – a sustainable investment fund taking long positions in resource-efficient companies, and short positions in inefficient companies across developed markets. Services provided by Northern Trust include fund administration, foreign exchange algorithmic trading and liquidity management solutions.
The fund is supported by Prescient Fund Services (Ireland) Limited on the Prescient ICAV platform, which launched in 2017 and is geared towards supporting growing boutique to mid-sized asset managers – allowing them to distribute to investors cost-effectively and rapidly achieve scale. Northern Trust also supports the operation of this platform as Prescient’s custodian and appointed depositary under the European Union’s Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) regulations.