NOW: Pensions appoints Martyn James as new Director of Investment

NOW: Pensions, the workplace pension provider for over two million people, today announces the appointment of Martyn James to the role of Director of Investment.

Martyn will be responsible for leading the investment strategy for the business, with a focus on delivering returns and retirement outcomes for members, and enhancing the sustainability characteristics of the portfolio, particularly working with the Trustee to further strengthen their stewardship activity.

Prior to joining NOW: Pensions, Martyn spent 22 years at Mercer. Over the last decade Martyn has been a Partner within Mercer’s UK DC business, including a two-and-a-half-year secondment leading Mercer’s Wealth (Pensions and Investments) business in Latin America.

Martyn brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the business and is widely recognised as a leading investment consultant to both DC and DB pension clients within the pensions industry.

NOW: Pensions is part of the Cardano Group, the pensions advisory and investment management specialist. Within his role, Martyn will work in tandem with the Group to ensure a continued alignment of Group wide investment strategy.

Martyn comes to the business at a pivotal time for the Scheme, which recently surpassed £4 billion in Assets Under Management (AUM) and is introducing a series of enhancements to its proposition, due to be rolled out to members and employers in the coming months.

Martyn joins at an exciting time in NOW: Pensions’ journey as it rolls out its new investment strategy for members throughout 2024. Martyn will lead on the direction and implementation of the investment strategy which has been designed to deliver enhanced outcomes for members over the long term, allowing for greater investment choice and further sustainable investment opportunities. Martyn will work to ensure the Trustee’s core principles of living wages, gender equality and climate change are implemented within its investee companies to deliver NOW: Pensions’ sustainable investment goals. And, with more than £4 billion of assets under management and two million members, Martyn will be directing NOW: Pensions’ considerable influence to play a growing role in the drive towards a more sustainable world.

Patrick Luthi, CEO, NOW: Pensions, says: “2024 continues to be an exciting year for NOW: Pensions and Martyn joins us at a crucial moment as we look to drive momentum across our investment proposition. Martyn joins us with a deep knowledge of the UK Master Trust market that will be instrumental in guiding our investment strategy into its next chapter, ensuring we continue to deliver for our members alongside keeping pace with the ever-evolving pensions landscape.”

Martyn James, Director of Investment, NOW: Pensions, says: “It’s exciting to join NOW: Pensions and to help work on implementing its new investment strategy. Now: Pensions is an innovative business both in proposition and outlook, that continues to put members first and its new investment strategy reflects this. With my expertise, I hope to bring unique insight to the role and help to drive better outcomes for members, while working closely with the trustee to ensure our investments align to their three core principles of climate change, living wage and gender equality.”


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