People’s Partnership appoints new Chief Investment Officer

People’s Partnership, provider of The People’s Pension, has appointed a new Chief Investment Officer to lead its investment team, support the Trustees to develop and deliver the investment strategy, and drive better investment outcomes for its 6 million members.

Dan Mikulskis will join the not-for-profit organisation in September, from his role as Investment Partner at Lane, Clark and Peacock (LCP), where he was lead investment adviser for a range of institutional investors and implemented Net Zero programmes for large asset owners.

Dan will lead the investment team which oversees the investments of the members of The People’s Pension, with the AUM currently at £21bn and projected to grow to more than £40bn in the next five years.

Commenting on his appointment, he said:

“I believe that asset owners have a special and important role, and it’s an absolute privilege to join People’s Partnership as it grows to become one of the UK’s biggest Defined Contribution asset owners of the next decade. I’m proud to take on the responsibility of shaping the future of the People’s Partnership investment team and am keen to get started.

“The vast majority of the investment industry is made up of commercial entities, beholden to shareholders, so to join a not-for-profit that can think independently, and put its members at the heart of its decisions, was a huge opportunity for me.”

The People’s Pension, administered by People’s Partnership, serves more than 6 million people, from more than 100,000 employers, across the UK.

Welcoming the new hire, People’s Partnership CEO, Patrick Heath-Lay, said:

“It’s fantastic that Dan will be joining us later this year. We have already had amazing success with The People’s Pension helping millions of people save £21bn towards their futures. Our investment activities will continue to grow over the coming years, so we have a real responsibility to support the Trustee in continuing to drive forward a robust investment strategy that provides greater financial security for our 6 million members.”


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