Punter Southall Aspire withdraws from Master Trust market and forms strategic partnership with award-winning Evolve

Punter Southall Aspire publishes on its website:

“Punter Southall Aspire has announced it is withdrawing from the master trust market. The Trustee will now begin its due diligence to assess the master trust market to identify a suitable home for the membership and assets in the Aspire Savings Trust.

The move comes as Punter Southall Aspire announces a strategic partnership with Evolve, which will see Punter Southall Aspire appointed as its ‘at retirement’ adviser for existing and new Scheme members, enabling the firm to provide financial advice to support members’ retirement planning and financial decision making. Punter Southall Aspire will also look to develop a packaged health, risk and pension product for the SME market using the Crystal Trust – Evolve’s award winning master trust.

The partnership with Evolve was the result of Punter Southall Aspire’s recent strategic business review, which acknowledged the business landscape has changed and that opportunities to scale have reduced. Punter Southall Aspire will now focus on growing its national retirement and financial planning business, working with employers and employees across the UK.

The Crystal Trust looks after 1,500 employers. It has a highly experienced board of trustees known for their good governance and a reputation for quality provision and for delivering exceptional services, processes and administration. Punter Southall Aspire is well placed to add to the support that members of the Crystal Trust already receive as their retirement approaches.”

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