Rob Orr appointed as SAUL’s next CEO

We’re delighted to announce that Rob Orr will become Chief Executive Officer of SAUL Trustee Company on 1 October 2024, when Sue Applegarth retires.

With a career in pensions of more than 20 years, Rob joined SAUL in 2010 and is currently our Head of Technical and Communications. He is also a member of the Pensions & Lifetime Savings Association’s Policy Board, Chair of its DB Committee and a Fellow of the Pensions Management Institute.

The Trustee and the SAUL team look forward to working with Rob, as we continue to deliver a sustainable, affordable and well-managed Scheme that is valued by all our members, employers and everyone involved in SAUL.

Louise Lindsay, SAUL’s Chair, said: ‘After an extensive and competitive process, Rob emerged as the strongest candidate. His knowledge and experience of the issues and governance requirements for a scheme like SAUL set him apart. He was also the most experienced in the challenges faced by our employers and by the higher education sector. He demonstrated particular focus on achieving the right outcomes for SAUL members.’

Sue Applegarth, SAUL’s CEO, said: ‘Rob demonstrated a clear personal alignment with SAUL’s values. His commitment to maintaining our positive, transparent, and motivating culture was very evident. So too was his commitment to continuing the collaborative engagement with all stakeholders that has served SAUL so well over many years. I look forward to working with Rob, the Board and the SAUL team on a smooth transition to his new role.’

Rob Orr, SAUL’s CEO designate, said: ‘It’s a real privilege to be appointed, and I’m both excited and honoured to follow Sue in leading SAUL Trustee Company. In the run up to 1 October, I’ll be working closely with Sue and engaging with the Trustee Board, our employers, unions and other stakeholders so we continue to deliver a strong Scheme with pension benefits and service that meet the needs of our members and employers.’


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