Royal London Asset Management announces team restructure

Royal London Asset Management today announces the restructure of its Global Equity team with immediate effect.

This follows the resignation of Head of Equities Peter Rutter and a number of the global equities team, who we understand would like to set up their own company.

Chief Investment Officer Piers Hillier takes on responsibility for Royal London Asset Management’s Global Equity capabilities. Piers has over 30 years’ industry experience, including tenure as Head of International Equities at Kames Capital among other senior global investment roles.

In managing the Global Equity team, Piers is supported by Matt Burgess who continues as Head of Quant Strategies, Co-Head of UK Equities Richard Marwood, and Head of Sustainable Mike Fox, as well as Fund Managers Bixuan Xu and George Crowdy, Assistant Fund Manager Simon Davies and Royal London Asset Management’s analyst team. The team also draws on the support and input of our expert teams across asset classes, as well as our Responsible Investment team.

Royal London Asset Management’s strategy for growing its investment capabilities whilst focusing on delivering good outcomes for clients and providing outstanding customer service is unchanged. There will be no change to the investment approach which underpin its Equity capabilities across Global Equity, UK Equity, Sustainable or the Quantitative funds. The funds will continue to be managed in line with their objectives and restrictions.

Commenting, Chief Executive Hans Georgeson said: “We remain committed to offering a first class equity capability and will continue to invest in the team. Piers brings huge experience to the leadership of our global equities capability, supported by an extremely talented team that also bring many years of expertise in equity markets.”

Piers added: “Royal London Asset Management has depth and capability across multiple asset classes, a long-term investment perspective, and our commitment to these asset classes is unchanged.”


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