RPMI Railpen appoints Michael Marshall as Head of Sustainable Ownership

RPMI Railpen publishes in a press release:

“RPMI Railpen (Railpen), which manages approximately £30 billion of assets on behalf of the railway pension schemes, has appointed Michael Marshall as Head of Sustainable Ownership with effect from September. He will report to Mads Gosvig, Chief Fiduciary Officer, Investments.

Michael’s team lead on how sustainability considerations are included in the investment process at Railpen. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) values are a core part of Railpen’s culture, and the Sustainable Ownership team will continue to integrate ESG considerations, constructively engaging with companies in which we invest and looking at longer-term risks and opportunities. We believe this provides greater value for Railpen’s beneficiaries.

Michael joins from LGPS Central, where he had been Director of Responsible Investment & Engagement. He has previously held roles at West Midlands Pension Fund, Trucost and EIRIS, specialising in responsible investment. He will take over from Leo George, who will stay with Railpen until the end of 2020, to ensure a smooth transition.

The Sustainable Ownership team will be boosted further through the appointment of Caroline Escott as Senior Investment Manager, leading Railpen’s active ownership work. She will join in September and will oversee engagement with the companies in which Railpen invests and, where appropriate, exercises its voting rights to have a positive influence and support member outcomes. Caroline’s most recent role was as Senior Policy Lead on Investment & Stewardship at the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA), where she led its investment, ESG and corporate governance policy and engagement work. Prior to this, she was a Senior Policy Adviser at the Association of Professional Financial Advisers (APFA).

Go to the website of RPMI Railpen: Click Here


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