The FirstGroup Pension Scheme: Merger of The First UK Bus Pension Scheme with The FirstGroup Pension Scheme on 31 May 2024

Following the merger of The First UK Bus Pension Scheme with The FirstGroup Pension Scheme on 31 May 2024, the FirstGroup Pension Scheme (FGPS) comprises two sections: the Group Section (already members of the scheme prior to the merger) and the Bus Section (formerly members of the Bus Pension Scheme).

The FirstGroup Pension Scheme is a pension scheme for FirstGroup Holdings and First Bus employees who were building up defined benefits prior to April 2018.

The FirstGroup Pension Scheme closed to accrual on 5 April 2018. Scheme closure does not affect the value of benefits you have already built up; your benefits will remain preserved in the Scheme, with increases broadly in line with inflation until you start to receive your benefits.


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