Warwickshire Pension fund – Ukraine

LGPS – Warwickshire County Council Pension Fund publishes on its website:

We would like to express our solidarity and sympathy with the people of Ukraine.

We are instructing our fund managers, including the local government pension pool, Border to Coast, of which we are one member, to cease investment into Russia and Warwickshire Pension Fund’s wish to dissociate itself from all Russian-owned and Russian-controlled investments. Due to the nature of the Russian regime, we do not make a distinction between state and non-state owned assets.

We will work with our fund managers to ensure that there should be no further investment into Russian owned or controlled assets and that the Fund’s investment activity follows all current and future government requirements.

Working closely with our fund managers, we will review the timing of disinvestment carefully, having regard to the practical barriers and options available to divest given that some financial markets are closed or operating with less liquidity, balancing the desire we have to completely disassociate the Fund from supporting Russian investments with the fiduciary responsibility the fund has for managing its investments, and having regard to the fact that the Funds’ investments are in pooled funds that the Fund cannot unilaterally control and direct.

The Warwickshire Pension Fund’s current assessment of Russian holdings is that they make up approximately £5m or 0.2% of the total fund value.


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