West Midlands leads £1bn allocation to global sustainable equity mandate

LGPS – West Midlands Pension Fund publishes on its website:

“West Midlands Pension Fund (WMPF), recognised for being a leading asset owner in responsible investment, is continuing to build resilience through a dedicated strategy for investing in companies who demonstrate a forward-thinking approach to long term sustainable business. Targeting additional return from some of the opportunities good corporate governance and transition to a lower carbon economy presents, the Fund continues to evolve the suite of measures deployed to deliver its investment strategy. The allocation reflects a broader strategic belief that effective engagement and management of financially material environmental, social and governance risks, enhances returns over the long term.

Councillor Ian Brookfield, Chair of WMPF commented “We have a long history of engaging companies to protect and enhance fund assets; now we will actively target those who are alert to the changes on the horizon and align with our requirement for long term sustainable returns. It’s great that we’ve been able to share this development across our investment pool, capturing the benefits more widely.”

In keeping with the Fund’s leadership on cost transparency and disclosure, and recognisingthe evolving range of products together with the benefits of scale and collaboration, the Fund is launching a Sustainable Equity Framework. The Framework, awards five investment managers who surpassed rigorous assessment criteria and are committed to the LGPS code of transparency. It is accessible to all within the LGPS Central Pool, with total awards of £1bn across Partner funds, expected in the first year.”

LGPS – West Midlands Pension Fund also publishes:

“The five managers appointed: AGF, Baillie Gifford, Impax, RBC Global Asset Management and WHEB Asset Management demonstrated a blend of approaches to meet the investment
requirements of the Framework. “

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