Willis Towers Watson: One-in-eight organisations predict CDC adoption by 2025

Willis Towers Watson publishes on its website:

“A significant minority of Pension Scheme Trustees and Corporate Sponsors predict that their organisations will adopt a Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) pension scheme of some description by 2025 according to a poll1 of around 70 organisations by Willis Towers Watson. Approximately one-in-eight (13%) of participants in a recent Willis Towers Watson webinar thought it was ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ that their organisation would provide CDC benefits in the next six years, provided the required legislation is passed.

The government recently approved plans to make CDC pensions more widely available. The findings from those polled suggest that although the majority offer an individual Defined Contribution (DC) arrangement for their employees, two thirds (66%) would prefer to offer a pension providing a regular income throughout retirement, rather than a pensions “pot” that can be accessed flexibly.”

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