Wiltshire pension fund moves over £500m of assets into Brunel’s low carbon passive equities portfolio

LGPS – Wiltshire Council Pension Fund publishes on its website:

“Wiltshire Pension Fund today announced that it has transitioned funds previously held in UK, global and fundamental passive equities into the low carbon passive equity portfolio managed by Brunel Pension Partnership – its discretionary investment manager as part of the LGPS pooling initiative.

The assets transitioned represent approximately 20% of the fund’s total assets, which currently stand at a total of approximately £2.7 billion.

The transition has taken place following a review of the pension fund’s strategic asset allocation, led by Wiltshire’s Pension Committee. The review was undertaken to ensure that the fund is well set to achieve investment returns that meet all future liabilities and pay the pensions of its beneficiaries. As part of this the Pension Committee recognised that as long term investors it needs to take all risks into account and that includes managing climate change risk alongside good governance.

More broadly, in February 2019, at a meeting of full council, Wiltshire Council acknowledged that there is a climate emergency, and seeks to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. Wiltshire Council’s cabinet pledged that the council itself will also be carbon neutral by the same year.”

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