XPS publishes on its website:
“XPS Pensions Group (XPS) yesterday met with 90 fund managers to discuss the latest thinking in investment markets and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues were top of the agenda. Of the various ESG issues discussed, 8 out of 10 fund managers said that pension schemes should seek to positively influence climate change.
Sarita Gosrani, Head of ESG Research, XPS Investment said: “We are delighted to see climate change at the top of the agenda for fund managers. We think that as a minimum ESG should be embedded within the risk management and decision making of all fund managers. However, the fund managers surveyed have demonstrated a desire for pension schemes to go one step further and seek to actually make a positive contribution. It is also really interesting to note that when asked which fund management area will see the greatest innovation, 40% of fund managers said it will be in ESG, which suggests that they are actually taking this seriously.”
Simeon Willis, Chief Investment Officer at XPS Investment concluded: “We believe that ESG hasn’t yet been clearly explained to the market and there is confusion about the differences between ethical investment, impact investment, stewardship and ESG integration. Our position is that ESG integration and stewardship are fundamental parts of risk management but further, pension schemes have an opportunity to make a positive impact. It is great to see the fund management community supporting this aspiration.”