NN Group publiceert de volgende wijzigingen en herbenoemingen op haar website:
“The Supervisory Board of NN Group N.V. intends to reappoint Delfin Rueda as member of the Executive Board and to designate him as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of NN Group N.V. and vice-chair of the Executive Board for a term of four years.
Furthermore, the Supervisory Board has decided to nominate Heijo Hauser and Hans Schoen for reappointment as members of the Supervisory Board for a term of four years. Heijo Hauser and Hans Schoen have both been members of the Supervisory Board since 7 July 2014.
In addition, Yvonne van Rooij has decided to step down as Supervisory Board member as of the close of the AGM. Following her resignation the Supervisory Board decided to nominate David Cole for appointment as member of the Supervisory Board effective 1 January 2019. David Cole, former chief financial officer and chief risk officer of Swiss Re Ltd., is nominated on the basis of his extensive international experience in, and in-depth knowledge of, the insurance and banking sector and his experience as board member and supervisory board member.”