Ascaro Vorsorgestiftung: General renewal of the Board of Trustees

The current term of office of the 12-member Board of Trustees ended in mid-2024 and a number of changes were pending. While the allocation of employer representatives is carried out through established implementing provisions, the employee representatives are elected by the Assembly of Delegates. In addition to the strategic management of our pension fund, the mandate also includes dealing with regulatory and other issues relating to the 2nd pillar. The members of the Board of Trustees contribute their expertise to various commissions and committees, helping to successfully navigate the Ascaro ship through the challenging BVG waters in the future.

The positive development of Ascaro had an impact on the distribution of employer seats on the Board of Trustees. Blaser Swisslube AG and Kunz Kunath AG will each have one employer representative on the Board of Trustees. They complement the companies already represented, Ascom Holding AG, Alluvia AG, SCOTT Sports AG and Asetronics AG.

The new election of employee representatives took place at the Delegates’ Meeting on April 30, 2024. We are pleased that 11 candidates applied for six mandates on the Board of Trustees, which underlines the interest in our foundation. The Delegates’ Meeting elected the following people to the highest body:

  • Niklaus Allemann – Blaser Swisslube AG, Hasle-Rüegsau
  • Andrea Berchtold – Informaticon AG, Thun
  • Marcel Müller – Municipality of Ettingen, Basel-Landschaft
  • Markus Rüegsegger – Quantex AG, Bern (previously)
  • Tanja Scherler – AVAG Umwelt AG, Thun
  • Manuela Uboldi – Alluvia AG, Hindelbank (previously)

On behalf of all beneficiaries, Ascaro would like to thank the departing members of the foundation board for their dedicated work. We warmly welcome the new representatives and wish them much joy and success in their new roles.

The composition of the Board of Trustees and the various committees can be found on our website under Organization.


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