Christopher Schumbert appointed managing director of Willis Towers Watson Versicherungsservice GmbH

Far-reaching changes in the insurance market require comprehensive advice and modern solutions for sustainable and risk-optimized company pension schemes.

The management consultancy Willis Towers Watson has appointed Christopher Schumbert (51) as managing director of Willis Towers Watson Versicherungsservice GmbH. The subsidiary of Willis Towers Watson supports both international and medium-sized companies in Germany with sustainable insurance solutions for company pensions.

Schumbert is responsible for Pension Brokerage Consulting at Willis Towers Watson, the consulting unit for all questions relating to the introduction, design and further development of insurance-based company pension schemes. As managing director, he succeeds Uwe Kettler, who retired at the end of last year, as well as Sybille Siefer, who on June 30th. has retired.

“We are delighted that, in Christopher Schumbert, we have been able to win a colleague with many years of experience in company pension schemes for the role of managing director,” says Dr. Heinke Conrads, Head of Retirement Germany and Austria at Willis Towers Watson. “The insurance environment is experiencing a profound change due to the persistently low interest rates and the resulting adjustments in the range of products offered by insurers. This is why companies now need consultants who have in-depth expertise in the insurance market in order to implement modern, sustainable and risk-optimized supply solutions. “

Changes in the company pension insurance offer require new solutions for companies

The persistently low interest rate environment, an even further reduction in the maximum technical interest rate and the regulatory requirements for life insurance companies mean that insurers are in some cases readjusting their guaranteed levels. As a result, company and employee benefits perceive the company pension as even more complex, as a study by Willis Towers Watson shows. According to this, both companies and employees have so far preferred the classic guarantee solutions.

Conrads emphasizes: “However, the change in the company pension insurance market cannot be turned back. In the future, life insurers will venture more into the capital market in order to be able to offer high-yield and attractive provisions. Companies and employees can therefore not avoid looking at the new insurance products. As a consultant and service provider, Willis Towers Watson develops solutions that meet the interests of companies and employees even under the changed conditions. “

CV Christopher Schumbert

Christopher Schumbert can look back on almost 25 years of experience in company pension schemes. He joined the company in 1997 and since then has been responsible for various positions as customer and specialist manager, team leader and later division manager at what is now Willis Towers Watson Versicherungsservice GmbH. The focus of his work lies in the areas of product and provider comparison, labor law documents and the management of the Willis Towers Watson relief funds. In addition, he is responsible for carrier management with the life insurers. The business administration graduate studied business administration at the University of Trier with a focus on medium-sized companies and finance, after having previously completed an apprenticeship as an insurance salesman in the life sector.


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