A change in Elo’s management team

Elo publishes on its website:

Mika Aho, customer manager and executive vice president of the employment pension company Elo, has announced that he will leave his position at Elo by the end of October 2024. Aho has been managing Elo’s sales and customer relations since 2022. He will quit his current position on April 26, 2024 and will work as an advisor until the end of October.

“We thank Mika Aho for his significant contribution to our customer interface and wish him the best of success in the future,” says CEO Carl Pettersson.

“The last two years, which I have been in charge of Elo’s accounts, have been very demanding and multi-faceted. We have built and renewed Elo’s customer process to respond to changes in the operating environment and customer needs. I want to thank all customers and colleagues for the good cooperation during these years”, says Mika Aho.

Elo’s CEO, Carl Pettersson, temporarily takes over responsibility for customers and sales. In other respects, operations continue unchanged.


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