Carl Pettersson started as Elo’s CEO

Carl Pettersson started working as the CEO of the employment pension company Elo on Thursday, October 7, 2021.

– Carl Pettersson has strong expertise in the employment pension sector and evidence of effective management. He will take up his position in a situation where Elo’s operations are being strongly developed to meet both changes in the operating environment and customer expectations, says Antti Aho, Chairman of the Board of Elo.

– I have been looking forward to getting to know the living people and getting to know Elo’s activities from the inside. Major factors of change affecting our society, such as the transformation of work and entrepreneurship, the aging of the population and the declining birth rate, and the long period of low interest rates, are having a significant impact on the functioning of our employment pension system. This requires us to carefully analyze and continuously improve the operating environment. Both in Elo and elsewhere in the employment pension sector, we are constantly working shoulder to shoulder to secure the livelihoods of current and future generations of retirees. It’s great to be able to pilot Elo’s team of professionals, Carl Pettersson says.


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