Elo’s supervisory board elected a new board member

At its meeting on 21 November 2023, Elo’s supervisory board elected Chief Technology Officer Sakari Jorman from Accountor Group as a new full member of Elo’s board of directors from 1 January 2024. Sakari Jorma was chosen to replace Aki Käyhkö. It was decided to keep the number of actual members of the board at 12 and no alternate members were elected at all.

In January 2024, the board will elect a chairman and vice-chairmen from among themselves.

Elo’s board of directors from January 1, 2024
CEO Antti Aho , Aava Terveyspalvelut Oy
Chief Financial Officer Minna Alitalo , Teknos Oy
Deputy CEO Minna Helle , Teknologiateollisuus ry
Chief Technology Officer Sakari Jorma , Accountor Group
CEO Juha Koponen , LähiTapiola group
Chairman Maria Löfgren , Akava ry
Director Janne Makkula
President of Suomen Yrittäjät ry Jorma Malinen
Head of Career and Pension Affairs at Ammattiliito Pro Sinikka Näätsaari , SAK ry
President Annika Rönni-Sällinen , Service Industry Trade Union PAM ry
Senior Fellow Timo Viherkenttä , Aalto University
CEO Tomi Yli-Kyyny , Fennia

Antti Määtt, CEO of Osuuskauppa Keskimaa, was elected for Chairman of the Board of Directors for 2024. Stefan Borgman , chairman of Metsäala’s Experts Association, will continue as the first vice-chairman of the Board of Directors, and Katariina Poskiparta, CEO of the Student Health Care Foundation, was elected as the second vice-chairman .

Antti Määtt was elected as a member chosen by the policyholders to replace Satu Yrjäsä who resigned as a member of the election committee. Antti Määttä was elected chairman of the election committee, and Jaana Ylitalo continues as vice-chairman.


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