Hrönn Jónsdóttir takes over the chairmanship of the newly elected board

Birta’s newly elected board exchanged tasks after the pension fund’s annual meeting yesterday, April 23. Hrönn Jónsdóttir is the chairman of the board and Þóra Eggertsdóttir is the deputy chairman. Hränn is a multimedia designer and works at Marel in Iceland. She sits on the board of the fund on behalf of the employees. Þóra is the finance manager at Icelandia and sits on the fund’s board on behalf of employers. The outgoing chairman of the board is Pálmar Óli Magnússon.

Two main members were elected to Birta’s board on behalf of the employees, Hafliði Kristjánsson, who is new to the fund’s board, and Hrönn Jónsdóttir, who was self-elected but has been on the fund’s board for the past 6 years. The new board members who sit on the board of the fund on behalf of Samtaka proðlífs are Ólöf Linda Sverrisdóttir and Skúli Skúlason.

Birta’s main board of employees consists of Hrönn Jónsdóttir, Jakob Tryggvason, J. Snæfríður Einarsdóttir and Hafliði Kristjánsson.

Birta’s board of directors on behalf of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions consists of Þóra Eggertsdóttir, Sigurður R. Ragnarsson, Ólöf Linda Sverrisdóttir and Skúli Skúlason.

Garðar Garðarsson and Bára Laxdal Halldórsdóttir sit on the deputy board from the workers’ side.

Guðbjörg Guðmundsdóttir and Bolli Árnason sit on the deputy board of the Norwegian Confederation of Business.

Pálmar Óli Magnússon and Örvar Þór Kristjánsson said goodbye to Birta’s board and were released with flowers and thanks at the end of the annual meeting.


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