Capital Cranfield appoints Matt Jones as Professional Trustee

Capital Cranfield is pleased to announce the appointment of Matt Jones as a Professional Trustee.

Based in the Midlands and a qualified Actuary, Matt most recently worked as Chief Stakeholder Officer at LGPS Central, an FCA-regulated asset management firm where he managed complex relationships across shareholders, clients and the marketplace to enable better strategic investment decision-making. Before that, Matt was an Actuary at Mercer where his work included leading the UK’s first (post Lloyds) buyouts incorporating GMP equalisation. Matt has advised Trustee Boards and Corporates on both Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution pension provision.

Capital Cranfield Managing Director Harus Rai commented: “They say you know you’re getting older when the Policemen start looking younger, well the same goes for Professional Trustees – Matt, born in the era of ABBA, Dexy’s Midnight Runners and the St Winifred’s School Choir, is a great example of how exceptional pensions professionals now see trusteeship as a serious long-term career. In just over 20 years in the industry, Matt has built an outstanding track record and I am looking forward to seeing him bring his evident energy, personable style and wide-ranging technical expertise to the benefit of his clients.”

Matt Jones added: “With the challenges and opportunities facing Trustee Boards today, the need for Professional Trustees has never been higher and I am keen to bring my expertise to help schemes in their critical strategic decision-making. I am delighted to be working with Capital Cranfield’s impressive stable of Professional Trustees in this next stage of my career. The freedoms of the model to choose the clients I work with and how I approach those appointments, allied to a strong support network, were key differentiators for me.”


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