Mike Weston appointed CEO of LGPS Central

LGPS Central publishes on its website:

“LGPS Central Ltd has today announced that Mike Weston has been appointed as CEO. Mike stepped down as CEO of the Pensions Infrastructure Platform in January 2019. He was previously CIO of the Daily Mail and General Trust pension funds and a Director at Hermes Investment Management. He is also a trustee of the Institute of Cancer Research pension scheme.

Announcing the appointment Joanne Segars, Chair of LGPS Central Ltd, said: “I am delighted that Mike is joining the Company as CEO. He brings a wealth of understanding of investment management, occupational pension schemes and the LGPS. He joins at an exciting time for the Company as our assets under management grow and will make a great contribution to developing the Pool alongside our Partner Funds. I look forward to working with him.”

Mike Weston said: “I am delighted to be joining LGPS Central Ltd. Pooling provides an important route to deliver investment efficiencies and opportunities to Partner Funds. Much progress has already been made, but there is more to do. I am looking forward to working with Partner Funds and the excellent team at LGPS Central Ltd to secure these opportunities for the benefit of Partner Funds and LGPS scheme members and employers.”

Mike Weston will start on 7 March. He will also join the Boards of the Company. His appointment is subject to FCA approval.”

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