SEI Appoints New Trustee Director for the SEI Master Trust

LONDON, Nov. 30, 2022 – SEI® (NASDAQ:SEIC) today announced that Natalie Winterfrost of LawDebenture (LawDeb) has been appointed as Trustee Director to SEI’s Master Trusts, with LawDeb added to the Board of the trustee company, SEI Trustees Limited. The fully independent Trustee Board’s Directors oversee both of SEI’s Master Trusts.

Allan Course, Chair of the Trustee, said:

“We’re excited to welcome Natalie to the Trustee Board. Her industry experience backed up by her deep understanding of the pension landscape will be invaluable as we continue to work to get the best retirement outcomes for members.”

A Chartered Financial Analyst, Winterfrost has more than 25 years of experience in investment consulting and asset management. She has helped large pension schemes address many complex investment issues, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Working collaboratively with the existing Trustee Board, Winterfrost’s role will be fundamental in helping SEI consistently improve the retirement outcomes for the membership which continues to grow through new client wins and acquisitions.

Winterfrost said:

“I look forward to leveraging my investment and asset management experience to bring enhanced value and focus to delivering better retirement outcomes for the SEI Master Trust’s members.”


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