Hermes EOS appointed by LGPS Central Limited for engagement and voting services

Hermes publishes on her website:

“Hermes Investment Management has today (October 22 – red.) announced that its stewardship and engagement team, Hermes EOS, has been appointed by LGPS Central Limited to provide voting and engagement services.

LGPS Central Limited, one of eight pooling vehicles across England and Wales, is currently responsible for the management and stewardship of nearly £14bn of assets for nine midlands-based Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) funds; Cheshire, Leicestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, West Midlands, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Worcestershire, and the West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority.”

Hermes also publishes on her website:

“This is the second appointment of Hermes EOS by UK Local Government Pension Scheme pools this year, following the announcement in September that the Brunel Pension Partnership pool is to use Hermes EOS voting and engagement services. Hermes EOS is one of the world’s leading stewardship services, advising on £346.3bn1 on behalf of its clients. In 2017, the Hermes EOS team engaged with 659 companies on 1,704 environmental, social, governance, strategy, risk and communication issues and objectives.”

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