Pension Insurance Corporation Group records strong first half to 2024

Pension Insurance Corporation Group Limited1, ultimate parent company of Pension Insurance Corporation plc (‘PIC’), the specialist insurer of UK defined benefit pension schemes, today presents its results for the six months to 30 June 2024.

Tracy Blackwell, Chief Executive Officer of PIC, said: “PIC had a strong first half as we focussed on developing our offering for trustees seeking to de-risk their members’ pensions, including launching our streamlined service for small schemes, Mosaic. We worked to improve our already excellent levels of customer service for our policyholders and were pleased to win multiple awards based on our customer service offering.

“During the half we completed £3 billion of new business, including a transaction with the TotalEnergies UK Pension Plan, covering £1.2 billion of liabilities. This transaction was won in part due to the strong relationship we forged with the Trustees in the decade since we first insured the Plan’s liabilities. We also continued to invest in UK infrastructure and housing based on our partnership approach, and intend to invest significantly more in these areas over the coming years.”


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