KPA Pension invests in green bonds in Vellinge Municipality

KPA publishes on its website:

KPA Pension, which is part of the Folksamgruppen, is the sole investor of SEK 200 million in a green bond with a term of four years that Vellinge municipality issues. In this way, KPA Pension participates in and promotes climate adaptation measures and restructuring in the municipality.

– We are happy to continue investing in Vellinge’s work for sustainable social development. Municipal operations are a safe stop for our customers’ money before it is paid out as pensions, says Mark Johnsson, business development manager for sustainable investments.

Vellinge issued its first green bond in 2018 to finance Omtankens hus where KPA Pension was the sole investor. It is a care home and meeting place for the elderly in Höllviken. The building is climate-smart and exceeds the environmental performance of environmentally certified buildings in the selected subject areas of energy and material selection.

Subsequently, the municipality has financed several projects with green bonds, for example the stations for Pågatåg in the eastern parts of the municipality, changing street lights to LED, better waste management, a school and a preschool as well as projects connected to housing and digital infrastructure.

– We are the pension company that targets employees and employers in municipalities and regions. Investing in projects that keep greenhouse gas emissions down adds value to our mission to create returns for their pensions, says Mark Johnsson.


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